Scumback M Series Speaker Sound Clips

Simply the best Pre Rola British voiced guitar speakers made.

Just click on the link to hear the clip. Use the Back Button on your browser to return here.
Oh yeah, turn up the sound !

Peter Thorn Scumback M75 clip

Visit Peter's website at:

Gear used for recording this clip:

Gear used for recording this clip:

Watch Pete demonstrate Scumback M75, J75, J75-LHDC, H75 & Scumnico Speaker Demo on YouTube:!

Anthony Steele Scumback M75 clips

Visit Anthony's myspace page at:

Gear used for recording these clips:

Gibson Les Paul and JTM 45 clips


Fender Deluxe clips


Fender Telecaster clips

JTM 45 clips


Glen Kuykendall M75 TrainWreck clips

Visit Glen's myspace page here:

Gear used for recording these clips:

Les Paul - TrainWreck Clips


Stratocaster TrainWreck clips


Marshall 100 watt Super Bass clips

Les Paul - Marshall 100 watt clips


Stratocaster - Marshall 100 watt clips


Client supplied clips:

Curt Mitchell Scumback M75-LHDC clips

Visit Curt's website at:

Gear used for recording this clip:

Gear used for recording this clip:


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