Scumnico Series Speaker Sound Clips
Simply the best Pre Rola British voiced guitar speakers made.
Just click on the link to hear the clip. Use the Back Button on your browser to return here.
Oh yeah, turn up the sound !
Jack Devine Scumnico clips
Visit Jack's SoundClick page at:
Contact Jack via email
Gear used for recording these clips:
- Gibson 63 SG Jr w/P90 pickups
- Gibson 71 LP Custom
- 57 Reissue Strat
- Marshall 1972 Super Bass
- Metro JTM45 (
- Blockhead JTM45
- HO Attenuator
- Scumback Scumnico 65 watt speaker (open back combo cabs)
Gibson Les Paul and JTM 45 clips
Gibson SG Junior/P90 and JTM 45 clips
Fender Strat and Metro JTM 45 clips
Fender Strat and 1972 Super Bass clips
Fender Tele & Gries 5 clips
Brad Schultz Scumnico clips
Visit Brad's SoundClick page at:
Gear used for recording these clips:
- Tele w/Lollar/GVCG Alnico III pickups
- Gries 5 amp, single 6V6
- Scumback Scumnico 30 watt speaker (open back combo cab)
Fender Tele & Gries 5 clips
Suhr 18w Badger & Scumnico 30w clips
Gear used for recording these clips:
- Gibson Les Paul Standard
- Fender Strat
- Fender Tele
- Danolectro
- Suhr Badger 18w
- Scumnico 30 watt speakers in an open back 1x12 cab
Les Paul - Badger Clips
Strat - Badger Clips
Tele - Badger Clips
Danolectro - Badger Clips
Client supplied clips:
Hideaway (backing track) Gibson Les Paul w/WCR BetSet,
Southbay Ampworks Major Crunch amp,
NOS glass